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The Levis Motorcycle Club supports the Levis Motorcycle Register, which is independent of the Club.

LEVIS Motorcycle Register

of Australasia

The Register was founded in June 2008 with the main aim being to record the details of LEVIS motorcycles still existing in Australasia.


As well as this information, correspondence between members, assisted by a newsletter, will enable knowledge of the machines to be shared and spare parts to be obtained thereby helping to encourage the completion of restorations and so get more Levis motorcycles into fully operational condition, which will not only be of benefit to the owners but to the general public also, as they will get the opportunity to see these fine machines in action.


Members contributions to the newsletter will also help to build a record of the history of the Levis motorcycle. Members are encouraged to seek out such history by contacting and talking to ex-Levis owners and recording as much detail of their experiences as possible, especially in the sporting competition area.


With the Centenary of the start of Levis production in 2011, it was pleasing to have a successful group organised so that this date did not slip by unrecognised.


Our Inaugural Gathering and Centenary Celebration was held in Wangaratta and proved a great success. Over 20 members attended with friends and family bringing with them 19 Levis machines. When, anywhere, were 19 Levis motorcycles last seen together? At this time the plan is to have a Gathering every two years.


I trust there are many Levis enthusiasts who will become part of this effort and to this end I ask you to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM and return it (with your subscription if applicable) and spread the word by any means at your disposal to help establish a group beneficial to all.



Les Thomas.

You can contact me by Email here:

or you can contact Brenton Matters on 0418 227 867



  • Machine registration is free so as to encourage people who do not want to be involved in anything further to at least supply these details.

  • Full registration (on which I have placed a fee of $20 per year for postage, stationary etc.) will enable receipt of the newsletter and use of it to request information and parts.

  • Initially I have not started a dedicated account. Should a reasonable amount of cash accrue, this will be considered.

  • No personal information provided to the register will be passed on without permission.

      Advertisements will be drafted by the members themselves and published thus.

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